Hawaiʻi Opioid Settlement Dashboard​

This site houses data dashboards to help residents of our state understand the severity of opioid harms, the amount of settlement funds Hawai’i will receive, and how the funds are being spent.

The numbers used are estimates and projections gathered from national settlement resources and are NOT guaranteed dollar amounts.

Opioid Overdose Data

This Opioid Overdose Data Dashboard provides some key indicators of opioid harm. These include overdose deaths and Emergency Department (ED) visits for overdose. These numbers describe some, but not all, of the impact of opioids on the people of our state.

Opioid Settlement Fund

The Opioid Settlement Fund Data Dashboard provides financial information regarding Hawaii’s portion of the national opioid settlements.

Naloxone Statewide Distributions

The Naloxone Statewide Distributions Data Dashboard provides information on Naloxone orders distributed across the state for free by the Hawaiʻi State Department of Health.

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